



Department of 人类学
College of Humanities & 社会科学


(970) 351-1745
University of Northern Colorado
Department of 人类学
格里利,CO 80639


PhD, 人类学, Anatomy minor, The Ohio State University
马,人类学, The Ohio State University
BA, 人类学 and Economics, University of Colorado, Boulder

Professional/Academic Experience

2012年至今,地中海殖民地生物考古项目(BMCP)主任 包括在地中海和地中海的七个殖民地和两个母城市的研究 黑海.
2008-2010,在阿尔巴尼亚阿波罗尼亚研究青铜时代希腊化时期的骨骼 系列.
2007-08, 研究 on Post-Lapita period Fijian skeletal 系列.
2005-08,科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,研究中世纪努比亚人的骨骼 系列. 



我的课堂是一个互动的环境,我使用多种教学方法 in order to accommodate diverse learning styles. I have two main learning goals: (1) 学生将能够阐明人类学作为一门学科的重要性. 具体来说,我希望他们离开时能理解进化论 以及对人类灵活性的欣赏使我们能够以各种方式进行互动 environments; and (2) students will understand the ways anthropologists collect data and critically evaluate evidence to test hypotheses. In order to convey these overarching 概念,我必须灵活,以适应各种课堂环境. 在我的课堂上适应学生的多样性,包括非专业的,国际的 和少数民族同学一样,我利用各种各样的课堂活动来产生丰富多样的效果 学习环境.

我也把我自己的研究经验带到课堂上,以便给学生 an understanding of how scientists conduct research. For example, when covering paleopathology 我总结了我自己在人类健康方面的研究,并解释了我如何利用生物考古学 answer questions about the lives of ancient peoples. I then give students a specific 使用生物考古学研究的历史变迁,例如.g. 人类 发展农业. I ask them to hypothesize what they would expect to see in terms of changing health following this transition. They also must write out the types of 他们需要的古病理学证据来支持或反驳他们的假设. I then tell them what real bioarchaeologists have found. They use this real bioarchaeological evidence to either support or refute their hypothesis. 学生 tell me that this 锻炼可以帮助他们理解科学家是如何使用假设检验来进行调查的 questions about the past. By integrating my own research into the classroom, my students appreciate the real-world 应用程序 of the materials I teach.

此外,我鼓励学生通过自己的研究来学习. 我的许多朋友 学生们已经成为人类学专业的学生,一些人从事本科研究 在我的指导下. 学生 interested in working with me on their own research projects should come see me during my office hours.

研究/Areas of Interest

我是一名生物人类学家,致力于了解人类的变异和进化 based on the study of populations from the last 10,000 years. 尤其是我 对人类适应快速变化的环境感兴趣,通常是在社会, cultural, and environmental disruption. My recent research has focused on the eastern 地中海盆地,调查希腊殖民对巴尔干半岛的影响 从公元前8 -6世纪,通过对一系列考古人类遗骸的研究 of sites in Albania, Italy, and Greece.

我目前是地中海殖民地生物考古项目(BMCP)的共同负责人, 考察希腊殖民导致的文化接触和人类适应 整个地中海处于人类历史上一个充满活力的时期 由人口相互作用和民族不平等的地域根源. 的BMCP 研究地中海地区的社区健康和社会变革轨迹, 并讨论了早期殖民互动的历史记录之间的关系 and archaeological and bioarchaeological evidence. Team members include international 专门从事考古学、古典学、遗传学和生物考古学的研究人员.

BMCP还致力于让本科生参与独立研究 projects that contribute to our overarching research questions. 我带过学生 到阿尔巴尼亚、希腊和意大利收集数据并调查问题 研究项目. Some of this undergraduate research has been funded by a National 科学基金会(NSF)资助本科生研究经验(REU)资助. 如果你是一名本科生,对生物考古学感兴趣 of Mediterranean Colonies project, come see me during my office hours.

Publications/Creative Works

Reitsema LJ, Mittnik A, 凯尔B, Catalano G, Fabbri PF, Kazmi ACS, Reinberger KL, Sineo L, 他年代, Bernardos R, Broomandskhoshbacht N, Callan K, Candilio F, Cheronet O, Curtis E, Fernandes D, Lari M, Lawson AM, Mah M, Mallick S, Mandl K, Micco A, Modi A, Oppenheimer J, Özdogan KT, Rohland N, Stewardson K, Vai S, Vergata C, Workman JN, Zalzala F, Zaro V, Achilli A, Anagnostopoulos A, Capelli C, Constantinou V, Lancioni H, Olivieri A, Papadopoulou A, Psatha N, Semino O, Stamatoyannopoulos J, Valliannou I, Yannaki E, Lazaridis I, Patterson N, Ringbauer H, Caramelli D, Pinhasi R, Reich D. 2022. 极端的多样性 in the genetic and geographic origins of a Classical Greek army. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 119:e2205272119.

Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B, Koҫi M, Horton RN, Shehi E. 2022. Bioarchaeological Evidence for Ancient Human Diet 以及阿尔巴尼亚伊利里亚的埃比达姆努斯/狄拉奇翁和阿波罗尼亚的移民. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Saltini Semerari G; 凯尔B, Reitsema L. 正在审查. Perils, Potential and Perspectives of Bioarchaeological Analysis in the study of Mediterranean Mobility. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology.

Reinberger KL, Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B, 他年代, Kamenov G, Krigbaum J. 2021. Isotopic evidence for geographic heterogeneity in Ancient Greek military forces. 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》 16: e0248803 (18 pages). http://doi.org/10.1371/journal. 玉米饼.0248803

苏洛斯基·韦弗, 凯尔B. 正在审查. 在生物学和身份的交叉点:非度量性状作为指标 of Ethnicity in Greek Colonial Contexts. In: 生物考古视角下的不平等与社会分化 希腊世界. A. Lagia,年代. Voutsaki, etGainsville, FL: University Press of Florida.  

凯尔B, Reitsema LJ. 2021. Social variation in an urban environment and its impacts on stress: Preliminary results from ancient Greek Himera (Sicily). In: 劳特利奇气候和环境变化生物考古手册. G. 罗宾斯·舒格,编辑. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社. p. 205-220. 

凯尔B, Shehi E, Koçi M, Reitsema LJ. 2020. Bioarchaeological reconstruction of physiological stress during social transition in Albania. 国际 Journal of Paleopathology 30: 118-129.  

Reitsema LJ, 凯尔B, 他年代. 2020. Food Traditions and Colonial Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean: Stable Isotope Evidence from the Greek Sicilian Colony Himera. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 57:101144.  

Rathmann H, 凯尔B, Harvati K, Posamentir R, Saltini Semerari G. 2019. Population history of southern Italy during Greek colonization inferred from skeletal remains. American Journal of Physical 人类学 170:519-534. 

凯尔B, Reitsema LJ, Tyler J, 他年代, Fabbri PF. 2018. Examining the Osteological Paradox: 希腊希米拉殖民地(西西里岛)的万人坑与平民的骨骼应力.American Journal of Physical 人类学 167:161-172. 

凯尔B, Schepartz LA, and Larsen CS.2016.妈妈。 城市与殖民地:科林斯殖民时期压力与影响的生物考古证据 在阿尔巴尼亚的阿波罗尼亚. 国际 Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26:1067-1077. 

恩汉堡王. 2015. Implications of Reappraising the Iron-Deficiency-Anemia Hypothesis. 国际 Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25:997-1000. 

恩汉堡王 和洛杉矶的Schepartz. 2015.  阿尔巴尼亚股骨粗隆下形状变异:用于法医的意义 应用程序. HOMO: Journal of Comparative Human Biology 66:79-89.  

Reitsema LJ和 恩汉堡王. 2014.调和体质人类学中的“压力”与“健康”:生物考古学家能做些什么 Learn from the other Sub-Disciplines? American Journal of Physical 人类学 155:181-185. 

恩汉堡王, Schepartz LA, and Larsen CS.2014.巴尔干半岛长期移民的证据使用牙齿和颅骨 非计量资料:科林斯(希腊)和它在阿波罗尼亚的殖民地之间的早期互动 (阿尔巴尼亚). American Journal of Physical 人类学. 153:236-248.


UNC’s HSS 教学 Excellent Award recipient, 2015
UNC Sponsored 研究 Fellow (2013-2015)

